About the competition

We are proud to present to you the inaugural ‘TASMAN SharkTank competition’ – a research proposal competition with the goals of generating new collaborative project ideas for future ‘homegrown’ projects.

Individuals or teams up to 4 members may enter the competition. Medical students from Australia or NZ are eligible.

The competition is split into 2 stages. Firstly, present your idea as a 350 word an abstract detailing the project. Focus on the why! Also give consideration to why this would suit a collaborative research model. This is due 10/10/2021.

The top 5 entries will be selected to present to an expert panel of academic surgeon judges and receive tailored feedback on their idea! The finalist presentation night is on 31/10/21.Keep an eye out for helpful workshops run by experts throughout the competition!

The winners will have the opportunity to develop this idea with the assistance of senior clinicians and TASMAN as a possible future TASMAN project.

SharkTank is a friendly competition with lots of opportunities to learn and grow in the field of research! So get amongst it!

Eligibility criteria 

TASMAN SharkTank is open to all students enrolled in any medical school across Australia and New Zealand, including honours (BMedSci Hons) students.

Team Participation

Individuals or teams up to 4 members may enter the competition. Medical students from Australia or NZ are eligible.

Registrations will open 15/08/2021. 

Entry submission

Only ONE (1) project proposal submission per team is required and is accepted.

An abstract submission template can be found here.

Completed abstracts must be submitted and uploaded to this link by 10/10/2021 9am AEST.

Finalists will be announced on 17/10/2021.

Keep up to date with the event here.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the competition, please do not hesitate to contact us. We also welcome feedback! 


Follow or DM us on Facebook  or Twitter!

Key dates

Dates Item Description

09:00 AM AEST

SharkTank registrations and project proposal submissions open Applicants are able to register for their competition and stay up-to-date with events.

09:00 AM AEST

Entry submission deadline Registered teams to submit a project proposal. Submit via the form or to
10/10/2021 – 17/10/2021 Screening for finalists TASMAN team will screen all team proposals. The top five (5) teams will be selected.

9:00 AM AEST

Finalist teams announced All teams will be notified of their outcome in SharkTank by email.

A research template will be sent out to frame your research proposals.


6:30 – 8:30 PM AEST

Finalist night All finalist teams will present their research proposal to a judge panel. Prizes to be awarded. 

Short presentations – 8min + 2min Q+A