RACS Post Op Podcast
RACS Post Op Podcast is a medical podcast by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. It features extended interviews on articles in the current issue of Surgical News magazine, plus practical advice that surgeons can implement in their practices, including insights on financial management and wealth creation, legal and tax advice and economic forecasts.
Short Sharp Surg Series
The Surgical podcast for medical students and junior doctors. Conversations covering key surgical and medical topics with a focus on issues relevant to ward based work for junior medical staff on surgery rotations. Medical education made easy – Short Sharp Surg Series.
Behind The Knife:
The Surgery Podcast
Behind the Knife is a podcast aimed for everyone interested in not only an in-depth look at the broad range of surgical topics, but a “behind the scenes” look at the interesting, controversial and humanistic side of surgery from some of the giants in the field. Come along with Kevin Kniery, Jason Bingham, John McClellan and Scott Steele on a journey that explores all the disciplines of General Surgery in this informal discussion and interview format. We feel that this is the perfect medium not only to cover important educational topics for all stages of your professional career, but allow you to listen to a first-hand account of not only where we have been from those that pioneered the way, but also an opportunity to explore where we are now and are headed in the not so distant future from surgical leaders.
Surgery 101
‘Surgery 101’ is a series of podcasts designed to help people learn about the basics of surgery. Each episode covers a single topic in 10-15 minutes so that learners can quickly grasp the basic concepts relating to a common surgical problem. Learning objectives are provided for each episode; episodes are divided into chapters and conclude with several key points to summarize the topic. Please explore our website using the search bar above or clicking through the drop down menus to find topics that interest you! We encourage all of our listeners to supplement their Surgery 101 learning by seeing patients, assisting at surgeries and reading widely!
ICU Rounds
A podcast dedicated to the teaching of critical care. The focus audience is physicians, residents, medical students, nurses, therapists, and paramedics. These are topics that arise while on teaching rounds in the Burn ICU at Vanderbilt Medical Center. A broad scope of critical care and prehospital topics are presented as well as recent journal articles and medical news.